So as usual it was arrive in time for the traditional Bacon Butty and cup of tea before registering and finding out who I would be shooting with today. As it turned out I would be shooting in a group of 5 with two crossbow archers, if you can use that term, a compound and a free style. So it looked like I would be shooting quick and finding arrow slow whilst the rest of the group would be shooting slow and finding arrows quick. I've previously shot with Jo and Pete in my group and would find out how entertaining Charlie and Keith were going to be throughout the day with the steady friendly banter.
Keith, Jo, Charlie and Pete
With the shooting progressing quickly, proving a can be wrong about sighted archers, we quick progressed to a Puma and one of my highest scores of the day and a 20. This I suppose would have been good if everyone else didn't score a 20 but you take what you are given and then is was only a few more targets before it was time for lunch and a well deserved break. It was beginning to get hot in the woods and although we needed a top in the morning it was bow time to strip.
20 For everyone
We were now on the hill side covered in wild garlic and to be honest I think Raven should rename this shoot as the "Garlic Shoot". The amount of garlic was beginning to give Charlie a problem but hey garlics good for you and the next time I have to go to Transylvania for work (and yes I have been there) I'll make sure I shoot at Raven before hand.
Raven Garlic Shoot
Moving and shooting up and down the hill side we moved to the target that provided what I think of as my best shot of the
day a long Deer down the hill. With a single arrow I managed a 16 now
some may consider that luck but for me it was the one shot where I
reached the standard I expect of myself.
Best Shot of the Day
So moving on with the easy banter and
mickey taking of the group we were off to the the last section of the
course working our way across the bottom of the valley and then on up
the steep hill back to the tea van and the final 5 targets.
Having had a thoroughly enjoyable day with
some old friends and now new ones it was time to pack up and head off
home for a few bottles of Fursty Ferret.
So all that's remains is to thank the Raven course layers for another
excellent shoot and Jo, Pete, Keith and Charlie for one of the most
entertaining shoots I've had for quite a while.
Time to fill in the 2 July shoot booking form.
Whatever it says on my t-shirt I got it in the end !
I nominate the one I hit
Thing - What the hell is this
Sunday 25th March
Target | Target | ||||||
Me | John | Me | John | ||||
06 | Deer | 14 | - | 24 | Bobcat | 20 | - |
07 | Honey Badger | - | - | 25 | Beaver | - | - |
08 | Raccoon | 4 | - | 26 | Bear | - | - |
09 | Deer | 4 | - | 27 | Fox | 14 | - |
10 | Ptarmigan | 10 | - | 28 | Deer | 16 | - |
11 | Bedded Deer | 16 | - | 29 | Lioness | 10 | - |
12 | Puma | 20 | - | 30 | Deer | 4 | - |
13 | Goat | 8 | - | 31 | Beaver | 16 | - |
14 | Standing Bear | 10 | - | 32 | Bedded Deer | 16 | - |
15 | Walking Bear | 10 | - | 33 | Otter | 10 | - |
16 | Boar | 8 | - | 34 | Wolf | 8 | - |
17 | Badger | 10 | - | 35 | Fox | 4 | - |
18 | Wolf | 4 | - | 36 | Deer | 16 | - |
19 | Beaver | 4 | - | 01 | Turkey | 10 | - |
20 | Deer | 10 | - | 02 | Deer | 10 | - |
21 | Mountain Lion | 16 | - | 03 | Thing | 10 | - |
22 | Merekats | 10 | - | 04 | Javelina | 10 | - |
23 | Leopard | 10 | - | 05 | Owl | - | - |
168 | - | 174 | - | ||||
Total | 342 | - |
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