Sunday, 25 March 2012

Raven Shoot Report 25th March 2012

RavenSo for my third shoot of the year it was off to Raven for a round of 36 3Ds in there extensive woodland and it was promising to be an absolutely glorious day. With blue skies forecast I was looking forward to the days shooting with a fair few up hill and down hill shots.

So as usual it was arrive in time for the traditional Bacon Butty and cup of tea before registering and finding out who I would be shooting with today. As it turned out I would be shooting in a group of 5 with two crossbow archers, if you can use that term, a compound and a free style. So it looked like I would be shooting quick and finding arrow slow whilst the rest of the group would be shooting slow and finding arrows quick. I've previously shot with Jo and Pete in my group and would find out how entertaining Charlie and Keith were going to be throughout the day with the steady friendly banter.

Keith, Jo, Charlie and Pete
Keith, Jo, Charlie and Pete

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

NFAS Field Shoot Distance Calculator

For a long while I've been looking for some new clubs to shoot at but hot knowing what's local and what's not can be a bit of a challenge. So I decided to extend the NFAS Map information so that I could easily see what clubs are within a reasonable driving distance. As a result I put together a simple web page that will show the distance to each club and provide driving directions. Having initially posted this on the NFAS Web Forums and received some positive feedback I thought why not a quick blog. So if anyone is interested in knowing what's local or how far a certain clubs ground is then please check out

Their may be a few missing clubs but it's based on what I know so if your's is missing just post a comment.