Fortunately the weather was with us and we were set for a fine evenings shooting. The juniors would be presented with six targets and would shoot on a rotation basis. Having shot all six they would then take a break for soup and brownies before shooting the round again before finally adding the scores and waiting for the prizes.
With a good turnout of 12 Juniors they would be split 4 per boss and move through them in sequence the first boss contained a Hobgoblin and Bat.
As you may or may not be able to see we did not have standard score and as such the juniors did not know what they would be scoring until they had shot the target and then read the information. In general though scoring was based on the NFAS Big Game strategy.
Having shot the Hobgoblin and the bat it was onto the Ghost and the pumpkin but to the supprise of the juniors they soon found out that the Ghost had not kill because you can't kill a ghost it is already dead.
Now that they were getting used to our warped sense of humour it was time for the final two faces the Spider with the googly eyes and the wicked witch. Giving the juniors the impossible task of scoring high mark for shooting the spiders legs it was entertaining to watch some of them try.
Having shot the first round and filled up on soup and brownies the junior shot the same faces again knowing where the high scores were and having completed this just before the light faded it was time for our Wicked Witch Paramount (aka Ruth) to present the prizes for the overall highest scores in each of our categories.
As the shoot ended we were all presented with a classic English autumn sunset before the light finally disappeared.
Our next shoot will the indoor Christmas Shoot and when the outdoor season finally starts in the new years we will be looking at some additional fun evenings with the juniors trying Clout, Field and if we can Popinjay.

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